Friday, May 4, 2007

Lots of video and too little text

Sorry guys, I still have not gotten my act together to write regularly in English... but here is a nice video. I have to get one of these Vodafone cards and blog straight from the beach. (It's going to be a hot, hot summer). In the meantime, I have installed some mosquito nets to get some air in the apartment without getting bitten. Hard to believe, but sometimes I can make my hands do other things rather than typing and cooking.

1 comment:

Nia here! said...

English, Splenglish....why not just write in Portuguese or Chinese and put a translation plug-in/widget on your site.

In the meantime I guess we'd better increase the languages we can understand, eh?!

Come see me at . Let me know if you might consent to a conversation skype to skype, that I can use at my other site
All the best, Nia. :)